Otherwise known as “the pink city” thanks to its staple pink to red brick buildings, Toulouse is where they say you should go when all French cities start to look the same. Truer words were never spoken. This city is absolutely brimming over with energy and quirkiness. And from the constant honking we hear from our hotel room across the street from the train station, the city never sleeps.
If you ever plan on visiting France’s fourth largest city- and I highly recommend that you do- I suggest that you book a hotel by Le Capitole. It’s a huge plaza in the center of town and everything worth doing seems to shoot off of it. Plus, that's the nice area of town. The closer you are to the train station, unfortunately for us, the sketchier it is. After we take the long walk down to the plaza, Toulouse is our oyster.

We’ve done more touristy things here than we did in Dijon and Montpellier combined. This can most easily be tacked to the warmer weather and how far away our hotel is from everything else. We’ve been to museums, churches, poked our heads in zany shops, been to the movies (we found
Valentine’s Day and
Bright Star playing in English), and… we found… the best scones I have ever tasted in my entire life. I had a scone au nature (aka basic) at BAPZ, a bakery and tea room that we stumbled upon our first day of getting lost. I meant to take a picture of it for you, but somehow it disappeared in my mouth before I could pull out my camera. Today we have a reservation for what is supposed to be an enormous brunch and it will be our third time there in four days. Sarah and I are obsessed! Heaven has found its way into my mouth in the form of their
chocolat chaud à l'ancienne (hot chocolate- you get to choose whether its thick or more liquidy), zucchini tart, and lemon and blueberry cake. Did I mention their scone au nature? I think I’m going to be leaving with five of those to go today…
Weird and impressive and endearing Toulouse, je t’aime!
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