Saturday, November 7, 2009

tourist coupons

I couldn't be more excited about what I'm about to share with you. I had long since hit the point of believing that I would never have internet out here in the Beaujolais and that this day would never come. The second night I was in Aix-en-Provence with my friends, we had to wait an hour and a half for a tapas restaurant, which we were dead set on, to open for dinner. We were starving, bored, and too cheap to sit down for a drink in a café beforehand. Slap happiness ensued and we found ourselves joking about catching a "pre-dinner show" i.e. watching color changing fountains. And by joking I mean we actually did fountain watch for an hour and a half! The following project was born out of both a love for travel and insanity:

Tourist Coupons: Aix-en-Provence from Sally Anderson on Vimeo.

I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed filming it! Two more episodes along the way! Samantha Brown, eat your heart out!


  1. Brilliance. Sheer brilliance. I love you girls!! Well on your way to having that fabulous reality TV show we've all talked about. You may need to film an "In Bruges" addition next week! EEEEEEEE!!

  2. Oh MY GOSH That was wonderful! I can't wait for episode 2!

  3. So good!!! Sally, you are a video-editing genius. Move over, Samantha Brown!!!
